Nietzche Life

Niche Website

The common theme among following is

"बहती गंगा में हाथ धोना"

i.e. Make hay while the sun shines. Point being, one needs to assess traffic or demand before even starting a project.

Karthik shares his small bet results.

How will God guide you?

By religious texts? 
Religious texts when chosen selectively will not be sufficient, say scriptures. 

Religious texts that shows a God living life of a human is a guide. Or we can say, a text wherein we see a human becoming God by living a life of human. To remove element of Human from a God will make us prone to errors. 

With removal of Valmiki Ramayan and Mahabharat from homes, we lost know-how to deal with life as a Human. 

Too much focus on the God's side of God, too little on the Human side same God. It should have been reverse.

Quotes About Love (for Men)

  1. Women and children are loved. Not men.
  2. Love is the desire of goodness.
  3. Attention is to women, what achievements are to men.
  4. Men love idealistically, women love opportunistically.
  5. You see women are warned about the dangers of men all their lives, that men will manipulate for sex, to be careful, to test him and be cautious etc. They have their defences up, even when they're naive. But who warns men about women? Nobody. Most learn the hard way - through pain.
  6. If men were informed in advance that the love of a woman they are romantically involved with is conditional, and unreliable, they would be far less heartbroken when a woman leaves them.
  7. "Open for rich, closed for poor".

Why listen to the rishis?

Short answer is : For your own good. 

Technology has made dreams of an ancient-man come true. You can video-talk to someone sitting thousands of miles away, can travel at a speed unimaginable a few hundred years ago. 

Despite having these external facilities today, man may feel discontent with life. Or a man may not live life to one's fullest potential.

The rishis knew truth that the human nature will not change. We will always have tendencies of selfishness, competitiveness and fairness/justice and more; like anger, jealousy etc. They understood that *beyond a point* the externals will never satisfy us. 

Let's take one aspect of human nature, fairness. If only you have the ability to travel instantly to distant places; it will certainly make you feel more content. However, if everyone has the ability to travel in an instant, it won't make us feel more content. As is the case with most external technologies. The external advancement is insufficient for a fulfilling life. 

Therefore, it is foolishness; to deny the need of a system; that regulates the internal.

The rishis emphasized on the internal. With the knowledge of the internal truths, one can enhance the experience. The religion and the scriptures deal with this aspect. 

Listen to the rishis for your own good. 




Shaping the Present

 We are moved by ideas. Idea must be transformed into actions to yield results. Too many ideas make your brain wander. So, I will be filtering a few ideas as per following tweet and make the boring work streamline untill I have enough time to work on something new that will align with goals.

 So I should work to systemise current workflow. Add products to new marketplace. Only once this complete I should look for other opportunities. 

Good thing is, the short inactivity in outer world (partial weekly lockdown) has made me think about myself. There has been too much distraction in form of social media, sugar and the usual work. 

It is useless to just think about anything new unless the current work-flow is not healthy enough to give extra time. 


An old note. 
Knowledge as property. 

"It stalls the process and turns you into a sucker". 

Found it scribbled. And its very good. Maybe Taleb said this, but I'm not sure. 

Knowledge shall not be treated as a property. Hmm.